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Seminar "Customs - Business: Connecting - Sharing - Companion"


ASC Logistics would like to invite you to read information about the seminar to help connect the sharing between enterprises and Customs organized by the General Department of Customs


On 21/6/2018, in Hanoi, the General Department of Customs held a seminar with the topic "Customs - enterprises (DN): Connecting - sharing - companion". Deputy Minister of Finance Vu Thi Mai attended and delivered a speech; The General Director of Customs Nguyen Van Can chaired the seminar.


Attending the seminar were more than 60 representatives from corporations, corporations, large enterprises, organizations representing enterprises with regular import and export activities, actively contributed to the customs in law enforcement, law enforcement organization, law enforcement monitoring of Customs. Representatives of a number of major local Customs Departments and Heads of Departments of General Department of Customs.

With the theme "Customs-Business: Connecting-Sharing-Companion", the seminar expressed the determination of the General Department of Customs in the implementation of Resolution 19-2018 / NQ-CP of the Government on To carry out the major tasks and solutions to improve the business environment and raise the national competitiveness in 2018 and the following years.


Vice Minister Vu Thi Mai expressed his sincere thanks to business associations, enterprises who are interested in co-operating with the finance sector in general and the customs sector in particular. The task of contributing to the socio-economic development of the country. Implementing the policy of the Government, the Ministry of Finance always pay attention to direct and create conditions for the General Department of Customs to strongly reform in the direction of facilitating enterprises in cross-border trading activities. The process of implementing reforms, modernization and modernization of management methods in line with international practices with the motto of listening, understanding, sharing, cooperation and companion. Customs offices at all levels regularly organize partnerships with the business community in various forms, attracting the attention and participation of the business community.

Activities of customs partnerships - Enterprises, in recent years, there has been innovation in how to do, in depth, practical and sticking with business. The dialogue, consultation between customs - businesses gradually changed in the way of organizing, to really become useful tool in solving problems arise.

Deputy Minister Vu Thi Mai noted that the customs authorities are also interested in encouraging the business community to cooperate to build a clean and strong customs office. In order to fulfill the objectives set by the Government and the Ministry of Finance, besides the efforts of customs authorities, there should be the cooperation and cooperation of related ministries and branches, the contribution of the business community . The Ministry of Finance would like to see customs reforms further, to create more favorable conditions and to listen further to accompanying enterprises for the common goal of facilitating trade, for the development of enterprises to contribute to the development of the country.


Customs - Business: Connecting - Sharing - Companion

Representatives of business community expressed their opinions at the conference.


At the seminar, representatives of business community have positive assessment of the efforts of the customs, help businesses solve many problems in import-export activities, thereby improving Competing in the spirit of Resolution 19 and Resolution 35 of the Government.

General Director of Customs Nguyen Van Can also frankly answered and noted the comments from the business community and said that the customs will continue to create more favorable for businesses in spirit Resolution 19 and Resolution 35 of the Government; Strengthen discipline, discipline, anti-corruption, negative ...


Nguyen Van Can answers the comments at the conference


General Director of the General Department of Customs

Nguyen Van Can answers the comments at the conference.


In order to effectively achieve the above objectives, the Director General also asked the business community to accompany the customs authorities in implementing and adhering to the State's policies related to import and export activities. . When detecting the negative manifestation of customs officials, enterprises can reflect through information channels, hotlines have been established publicly for many years ...

Up to now, in the whole country, the customs office has signed a cooperation agreement with 232 enterprises to build a regular partner as a core force in the operation of customs partnerships. signed 1701 documents committed to enterprises in support, monitoring law enforcement with enterprises; 52 documents cooperative agreement with business association.

In particular, in 2017, the customs office has organized 53 business meetings, 89 periodical dialogues with customs declarants, taxpayers on a number of current topics, which were welcomed by the business community.


See more:

>> Customs Brokerage Service

>> Service of import and export cargo

>> Bonded warehouse services

>> Inspection services for import and export

>> License service

>> Other Logistics Services

>> Airline book services

>> Marine book services

>> Road transport service



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