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ASC Logistics would like to send to you the process and records of rice export. Rice is our traditional export, the world's third largest export after India and Thailand.


Not all businesses can export rice, but before that they must be granted a certificate of eligibility for rice export business. The Government has just issued Decree 107/2018 / ND-CP on rice export business. Accordingly, from 1.10.2018 conditions and procedures for rice export business changed quite a lot.


Rice export procedures


ASC Logistics would like to send you the customs dossiers for the typical rice shipment form:

- Bill of lading for rice export

- Certificate of quality rice for export

- Certification of origin of exported rice

- Fumigated rice paper exporter

- Safety certificate when people consume rice

- Export shipping insurance for rice

- Report nutrition in rice

- Quarantine of exported rice

- Packing List rice export

- Rice purchase invoice


I, Conditions for rice export business


1. There is at least 1 specialized warehouse to store paddy and rice in accordance with national standards and technical regulations on rice and rice depots issued by competent agencies in accordance with the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations.
2. There is at least 1 grinding or milling facility or processing facility for rice and rice in accordance with national standards and technical regulations on storage and milling, processing, rice and rice processing facilities by competent agencies. issued under the provisions of the Law on Standards and Technical Regulations. Warehousing, grinding, milling, rice and rice processing facilities to meet the above-mentioned business conditions may be owned by traders or leased by other organizations or individuals and have a lease contract. written in accordance with the law with a minimum lease term of 5 years.

Traders with certificates of eligibility for rice export business (certificates) must not lease, re-lease warehouses, rice-husking, -processing or -processing establishments already declared to prove the Business conditions in the application for your Certificate for other traders to use for the purpose of applying for a Certificate.


Traders who only export organic rice, parboiled rice, and fortified fortified rice do not need to meet the above-mentioned business conditions. Exporting these types of rice does not need a certificate, not real. Current reserves and is responsible for reporting according to regulations.


When carrying out export customs procedures, traders exporting organic rice, rice, and micronutrient fortified rice without a certificate need only present to the customs office the original or certified copy. of competent agencies and organizations written certification or certification of competent agencies or organizations or export rice expertise certificates granted by expertising organizations according to law provisions on rice products export in accordance with the criteria and methods determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Health.


Conditions of rice export warehouses


Check the conditions of rice export business


Traders themselves declare dossiers of application for certificates, take responsibility before law for the declared contents, papers and documents in the dossiers of application for certificates and meet the requirements rice export business conditions mentioned above.


Department of Industry and Trade presides and coordinates with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies to organize post-inspection of storage, grinding, milling, processing rice and rice facilities to meet the conditions of rice export business. in the area of ​​traders after traders are granted certificates. Within 5 working days from the end of the inspection, the Department of Industry and Trade reports to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the written inspection results, recommends measures to handle violations (if any) and attaches them to the minutes checklist.


According to the annual or irregular plan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in examining the post-inspection of the storehouses, grinding, milling and processing establishments of rice and rice to meet the conditions. rice export business in the area of ​​traders after the trader has been granted a certificate and the maintenance of meeting the rice export business conditions of traders.


II, Register rice export contracts


To register the rice export contract, enterprises need:

- Written registration of rice export contracts with Vietnam Food Association
- A rice export contract with full overlapping borders (copy enclosed with the original for comparison)
- Inventory report, output of rice at least 50% of rice in the export registration contract
- Certificate of eligibility for rice export issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (copy)


After completing the above 2 steps, it is eligible for customs procedures. Customs procedures like normal goods but importing countries often require the exporter to have more plant quarantine, component analysis (especially moisture), quality certification, fumigated paper or export certificate. Made to enjoy tax incentives. The attached documents, ASC Logistics has the download link above to invite you to see.


Rice export procedure - ASC Logistics


For free consultation and customs clearance services, customs clearance declaration. Please contact us via Hotline: 090.328.8872 (Mr Thang)


See more:

>> Medical goods quarantine

>> Customs Brokerage Service

>> Service of import and export cargo

>> Bonded warehouse services

>> Inspection services for import and export

>> License service

>> Other Logistics Services

>> Airline book services

>> Marine book services

>> Road transport service



Tags: process of rice export, rice export, procedures for rice export business, conditions for rice export business


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