

ASC Logistics would like to send you the most popular forms of authorization, most popular now for office workers and import-export companies.


In your daily life, when doing a job, but for objective reasons, you can not do it directly, you have to ask someone else on your behalf to do so, this is called authorization.



Power of Attorney is a legal document that records the person authorized to designate his or her authorized representative to perform one or more tasks within the scope prescribed in the power of attorney. Authorization of two cases occurs:


+ Unilateral authorization, ie Power of attorney without participation of the authorized party. Authorization does not require the receiving party to agree and is not obligatory for the recipient to carry out the work stated in the paper. Therefore, if the authorizing party fails to perform the work as committed, after the written authorization is granted, the authorizing party shall not have the right to request the authorized party to do so, including compensation for damage, if.

+ Authorization with the participation of both the authorizing party and the authorized party. This case is in form of a power of attorney, but is essentially an authorization contract. If there is a dispute, the law will apply the provisions on the authorization contract to resolve. Accordingly, the authorized person can only perform the work and enjoy the rights within the scope of the authorization. In cases where the authorized persons commit acts beyond this scope, they shall bear personal responsibility for the excessive amounts.


Common Commission Template


Authorization Form for customs clearance, get order from shipping company


Letter of authorization signed C.O


Letter of authorization to publish cosmetics


Form of authorization for importing medical equipment


A personal authorization letter is a legal document which recognizes that the person authorized to appoint his or her authorized representative performs one or more tasks within the scope of the authorization.


For more samples please refer to our website or contact hotline: 090.328.8872 (Mr Thang)


See more:

>> Documents in import and export

>> Forms of documents in import and export

>> Form of handover minutes

>> Form invoice, packing list

>> Form of foreign trade contract