

In the previous series, ASC Logistics introduced to you the procedures for importing fresh fruits, fresh strawberries into Vietnam, procedures for exporting carrots to foreign countries.


ASC Logistics will continue to guide customs procedures for importing seedlings and importing plants from abroad. The necessary documents for customs clearance of plant varieties, import permits when importing crops will be included in this article.

Pursuant to Circular 04/2015 / TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the agricultural plant varieties have been named in the List of plant varieties permitted for production and trading in Vietnam or already exist The document recognizing the new agricultural plant variety issued by the Department of Crop Production is not required to apply for a permit when importing.

For plant varieties other than those mentioned above, they must apply for import permits.


Import license of Plant Protection Department when importing seedlings.

Before importing seedlings to Vietnam, we need to obtain a permit from the Plant Protection Department at 149 Ho Dac Di, Dong Da District, Hanoi City. When importing plant varieties, it must ensure that it does not contain soil, so the Plant Protection Department will grant you permission.



Applications for import of plant varieties include:

- An application for an import plant quarantine permit, made according to form No. 04 / BVTV enclosed with Circular No. 04/2015 / TT-BNNPTNT;

- Copy of commercial contract;

- Copies of business registration certificates of organizations and individuals.


License to import plant varieties from Department of Crop Production:

When the plant is imported, apart from the Plant Protection Department's permit, we need to apply for a permit from the Department of Crop Production. The Department of Crop Production will supervise our import of seedlings and seeding process.


Dossiers of application for permits for import of plant varieties:

- An application for import registration according to form No. 03 / TT issued together with Circular No. 04/2015 / TT-BNNPTNT;

- Technical declaration form No. 04 / TT issued together with Circular 04/2015 / TT-BNNPTNT (only submitted when first imported);

- Copy of the certificate of business registration;

- In case of the second imported plant variety for testing or trial production, it is required to submit a report on the results of importation, assay, trial production of the previous import, without having to submit a technical declaration and certificate. business registration again;

- In case of import for international research and cooperation, one (01) copy of the cooperation agreement in foreign languages ​​must be supplemented with a (01) Vietnamese translation with the signature of the agency. Translation agency or traders' import registration.

- In case of importation to trade fairs and exhibitions, a certificate or invitation to participate in trade fairs and exhibitions must be added;

- In case of importing gifts, there must be one (01) copy of the certificate between the two parties in a foreign language accompanied by a (01) Vietnamese translation with the signature of the translation agency or of traders registered for import;


After obtaining a permit from the Department of Crop Production, a permit for the Plant Protection Department to permit the import of plant varieties, we proceed to carry out the procedures for quarantine registration at the border gate and declare the import declaration.

It should be noted that when goods are required to have an export quarantine certificate to Vietnam, it is possible to import plant varieties into the inland. In addition, when declaring the import declaration, the Department of Crop Production license number must be filled in and attached to the Customs V5 system.


After the shipment is cleared, it is necessary to call and send the information to the Department of Crop Production when it is released to the enterprise or nursery and supervise the nursery (if necessary).


Hopefully this article will help you in the process of importing plant varieties. For more information or need customs clearance service, import quarantine registration, contact the hotline of ASC Logistics: 0903.288.872 (Mr Thang) for the best quotation.


ASC Logistics - Bring trust to every customer

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